Saturday, May 2, 2009

Walk for Autism 2009 Part II

The Little Boy

What is it about the little boy . . .
and all his strange little ways?
What is it about the little boy
and the odd way he plays?

What is it about the little boy;
when will he start to talk?
We wonder about the little boy,
since he was very quick to walk

What is it about the little boy;
why can’t he look you in the eye?
What is it about the little boy,
so quick to scream and cry

What is it about the little boy;
he acts different in every way
What is it about the little boy;
they say it won’t go away

What is it about the little boy?
What is the cause for concern?
What it is about the little boy,
has a diagnosis we’ve learned

Now we know about the little boy
So now where do we turn?
Now we know about the little boy;
there is so much to learn

So, who will help the little boy?
Insurance says no way!
Who will help the little boy
If we cannot pay?

Who will show the little boy..
show him how to play?
Who will show the little boy
What will happen each day?

So what will help the little boy;
his mother's determination and love.
What will help her with the little boy...
grace and strength from up above

Today, in Orem, Utah, the Second Annual Walk for Autism was held. It was pouring rain and cold but there were so many people there to support the cause. How inspiring it was to see how many people were there to show that they care! As for me, I was walking for my nephew Russel "Bubbsie". He had a larg group of supporters just for him. Russ, Bubba's dad, had his friend make us some really awesome team t-shirts. We decided last year when we walked that we would this year make team T-shirts and walk again as one united team. Anyways, they were really cool and we wore them proudly. So thanks Hoarsee, you did a great job! It was amazing to be apart of such a special cause. We can only hope that the efforts that we make can be used for the greater good of all children affected by Autism. We need the governments help to make this a disease in which insurance will assist parents and thier children with the nessary treatments to help them learn and to grow. My nephew is going to the Pingree School for Autism but it is very exspensive. He also needs speech therapy and occupational therapy. Treatments he may not be able to have because the cost is well over 80 thousand dollars a year. This disability affects both female and male children but it is more prominate in males. In Utah one in every three male child births will be diagnosed with autism. Anyways, we hope that as there becomes more information that more and more people will become activly involved in this annual walk. So WALK NOW FOR AUTISM!


Sioux said...

Beautiful words for such a worthy cause - I'm proud that you are willing to help out. I'm sure it wasn't the most fun in the cold and rain, but like you said - it means alot for the support of this group.

Hope the efforts of everyone involved will make a difference.

Nettie said...

Love your poem Ashley. Beautiful words for such a special little guy. I have seen first hand what having an autistic child in a family can be like. What makes it so special for Bubba is the love and devotion everybody in his family shows him. He is such a cutie and I have noticed some great changes in him since going to Pingree just the few times I have seen him. What a wonderful organization made up of professionals that can teach these children and try to get them prepared for the world. Keep doing what you are doing because I have seen his eyes light up when he sees his Aunt Ashley walk through the door.

Mike and Kadie Briggs said...

What a beautiful thing to do Ashley. What a great cause and it so good to see that this little boy is soo loved.

whitey said...

What a great poem! Is it to late to send in doantion?? I have lost the link?